After enrolment, you will be given access to training materials in hard copy and/or digital format. Textbooks are not provided. You will need to supply your own stationery materials.
You will be given an outline for training appointments which may be:
Workplace visits
Classroom sessions
Online modules
A combination of the above.
How long your course will take depends on several factors. These include your own efforts and commitment to submitting assessments regularly and on time, your study load (i.e. full- or part-time) and how many units (if any) are eligible for credit transfer and/or recognition of previous experience and qualifications. Further, the level of the qualification being undertaken will impact on course duration. The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) summarises the criteria of different qualification levels and gives an indication of the complexity, depth of achievement, knowledge, skills and levels of autonomy required to achieve a qualification at that level.
The AQF expresses the time expected to gain a qualification as an equivalent to full-time years. This is known as the ‘Volume of Learning’.
Volume of Learning statements provide an indication of the amount of time it is expected that a student would need as a full-time student to achieve the qualification. Volume of Learning figures assume none of the competencies identified in a qualification are currently held.
The listed time frames account for all activities a student would undertake, including supervised training activities, classroom sessions, online modules and/or workplace learning, as well as individual study, practice and learning.
The Volume of Learning for qualifications in the VET sector are:
AQF Qualification Level Typical Volume of Learning
Certificate I 0.5-1 Year
Certificate II 0.5-1 Year
Certificate III 1-2 Years (up to 4 years for some apprenticeship/traineeship agreements)
Certificate IV 0.5-2 Years
Diploma 1-2 Years
Advanced Diploma 1.5-2 Years
More information on Volume of Learning can be accessed at: